Our vision

Society where each person is respected, valued, and lives in well-being.

Our mission

AHI nurtures each person’s self-empowerment and learning to actively participate in building an equitable/inclusive society.

Our values

Each person holds a zest for life. In order to realize a society in which all person can enjoy health and well-being of their lives, it is important to empower themselves by exercising their potential.



AHI promotes participatory approach in which people share their own ideas and experiences and learn from one another in their group and community. This approach helps people reflect, discover, and develop their own capacity and eventually, enhance their commitment.


AHI organizes annual International training course (ILDC) in japan to form the core of learning community using participatory approach. After the program, we support the participants’ applying their learning in their group/community, deepening it with other alumni and working partners and developing their own learning community all over Asia.